British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s recent announcement on the planned ‘Brexit Freedoms Bill‘ should give product manufacturers further reasons to keep an eye on the market entry requirements for the UK.
Brexit Minister David Frost has already blown the same horn with the announcement to amend, replace, or repeal EU laws that are not suitable for the UK.
With the new law, the British government now wants to implement this and reduce the regulatory burden for British companies. For non-UK companies, the burden is likely to increase further. Product manufacturers are already complaining about higher costs in fulfilling the obligations to place products on the market, as well as problems in the supply chain.
Product conformity representatives are challenged to keep an eye on the regulations.
If and how the planned legal changes affect EU directives and regulations that have been adopted into UK law must be closely monitored. Especially when EU regulations change, as will be the case with the Machinery Directive in the next few years.
Brexit Minister David Frost has already blown the same horn with the announcement to amend, replace, or repeal EU laws that are not suitable for the UK.
With the new law, the British government now wants to implement this and reduce the regulatory burden for British companies. For non-UK companies, the burden is likely to increase further. Product manufacturers are already complaining about higher costs in fulfilling the obligations to place products on the market, as well as problems in the supply chain.
Product conformity representatives are challenged to keep an eye on the regulations.
If and how the planned legal changes affect EU directives and regulations that have been adopted into UK law must be closely monitored. Especially when EU regulations change, as will be the case with the Machinery Directive in the next few years.

Some news sources [retrieved 31/01/2022] for reference:
- Prime Minister pledges Brexit Freedoms Bill to cut EU red tape – GOV.UK (
- Johnson will nach Brexit weiter gültige EU-Regeln künftig schneller ändern (
- Brexit: Boris Johnson will Reste von EU-Recht schneller loswerden – DER SPIEGEL
- Bürokratie-Reform – Johnson will noch gültige EU-Regeln schnell ändern |
- Briten wollen ″Freiheit″ durch Brexit nutzen | Aktuell Europa | DW | 16.09.2021
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